2007年4月25日 星期三


Leonardo Dicaprio 個人官方網站:http://www.leonardodicaprio.com/在首頁的右下角,就有兩部親自執導的生態影片可供觀賞,而我們節錄What you can do-Take Action,

The Basics: 三個基本動作!

1. Reduce, re-use, recycle

2. Reduce the amount of energy you use at home by simply turning
off lights when you're not in the room, un-plugging idle appliances
when not in use, including TV sets and cell-phone chargers, and
turning your computer off instead of leaving it on all day.

3. Reuse or repair something instead of throwing it away. Borrow
or rent something instead of buying new stuff, or consider buying
used items. Recycling includes buying recycled items - in fact it's
one the most important parts of the recycling process. Look for
products that contain the largest amounts of "post-consumer waste.

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